Pakistan – The 4th Fastest Growing Freelance Market in the World!

Pakistan – The 4th Fastest Growing Freelance Market in the World!

27 Aug 2019 IPSUNI 0 General

Yes! You heard it right. Pakistan is declared the 4th fastest growing freelancing market in the world with 47% of growth in freelance earnings, since the second quarter of 2018. Only three countries are above this list and that are the USA, UK, and Brazil.

IPS Unit of Education – the modern language institute in Lahore believes that this time serves the perfect opportunity for job seekers in Pakistan, who wish to earn a decent earning from home.

The Rise of Freelancing Industry

According to the Forbes magazine, there are several reasons per country that people are loving freelancing market more, than the actual 9-5 jobs.

The risking factor tops the reason for mature markets. Companies want to secure their reputation with only the best of recruitments. Many countries offer platforms for freelancing to support the industry of BPO services. Besides, freelancing brings a stress-free working environment to match the lifestyle of most youngsters, as one can do his job as per his desired time. Thus, gig-economy suits the demands of generation Z; they can earn as well as live their own life freely.

Is Freelancing a Source of Boosting Pakistan’s Economy?

Pakistan’s economy is struggling and requires strict measures to get up and compete with the international markets. There are not many job opportunities; so many people love to work for themselves.

It is an interesting fact that the majority of freelancers from Pakistan are under the age of 30. Because the local business market is not well-developed and doesn’t offer a platter of opportunities. They are in this industry to seek diverse career prospects and to say yes to the jobs that suit them the best.

Freelancing Leads towards Entrepreneurship

There are many examples where people started as freelancers, and now, they’re the gurus of their respective fields.

What Fields Are The Most Suitable to Earn As Freelancers?

There is no special category in which freelancers can excel. No matter what skill or degree one has, he/she can make use of it, provided the expertise to function well in the chosen category. For this reason, many modern language institutes offer a variety of courses. By registering in those courses, one can get skills according to his interest and establish his career.

Given below are some of the popular short courses offered by institutions to help earn as freelancers.

Graphic Designing Course

This course equips with creative and presentable visual arts knowledge and skills. Modern businesses need graphic designers to convey their message to the target audience in a likable way.

Web Development course

Web development skills help to create simple to complex websites that help to attract and convert leads into customers.

SEO/Digital Marketing Course

Reaching and attracting potential customers is only possible with the help of an effective and unique SEO optimized marketing strategy.

English Language course

The freelancing market yearns for competent content writers, who offer services for businesses to spread the word about their brand. Learning the English language course can be a good career option for thinkers and book lovers.

These are only a few examples but these are some of the highest paying freelancing jobs.

If someone loves the idea of working for himself, freelancing is the best option. Every individual wants to earn and accomplish his objectives for a comfortable living and personal development. Job seekers, or youngsters, who think that they don’t have enough skills to make their dreams come true, can join short courses as offered by IPS Unit of Education.

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With the increasing credibility of the freelance market in Pakistan and hundreds of job opportunities, freelancing serves the best chances to present our skills. All there is need to have the right skills in hand. As it is said that the world is our stage and we can do whatever we want, and freelancing gives the perfect platform to bring out our best to the world to earn bread and butter.



I have been associated with the field of education for more than ten years. The ups and downs of the Pakistani learning environment make me write about it to create awareness and initiate improvement in our education system.

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