4 Tips to Enhance Learning Experience via Short Courses

4 Tips to Enhance Learning Experience via Short Courses

11 Dec 2020 IPSUNI 0 General

Practical life is so much different from what we imagine as students. Most of our students suffer from anxiety and feel clueless even after learning a particular subject via short courses or regular degrees.

Some learning institutes in Lahore are to be blamed here for their poor education standards and outdated course outlines.  However, we cannot always blame the modern language institutes. Some of the responsibility has to be put over the students.

Common Issues What Students Face During the Learning Experience

Often, students do one thing mindlessly and cannot repeat the same procedure when they are asked to do that again. Consequently, their performance rate plummets, and their skills become questionable in the corporate world.

How to Resolve this Issue?

Not every short course institute work on the same pattern. But, some tips can make you enhance your learning experience. As a student, you will feel accomplished as well as feel confident to put any skill into action.

Tips to Enhance the Learning Experience

Make a Habit to Practice Daily

No one can master any art in a matter of a few days. You need to practice, as practice is the key to perfection.

Reading out concepts, learning the basics, and going through theory do not make you a capable and skillful individual.

Have you ever thought why not doctors or engineers straight-up work right after their degrees? 

Because they need the experience to perform tasks. Without which, there can be disastrous outcomes, especially in the healthcare profession.

The reason to practice a task is to allow you to make probable mistakes and rectify them. You are spending time learning a technical subject then why not spend some extra time to perfect it.

After making the habit of practicing, you will definitely see a remarkable change in your learning experience.

Go for Peer Learning

Often modern language institutes promote the concept of social/peer learning in their short courses. This culture encourages students to ask questions from one another and bounce off ideas.

This technique allows repetition, which enables memorization. Whether in a formal or informal setting, peer learning is a great way to understand concepts and see different points of view altogether.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

Fundamentally, our brain is programmed to focus on one job ahead. Even people who can multitask are constantly switching between two tasks. If you are not a pro in this task, this constant switching might not be useful for you.

Therefore, focus on one thing and take one challenge at a time. It will also help you track your performance, especially in short courses.

Break Down Learning Concepts into Chunks

Breaking down a huge portion of content into smaller chunks does not make the learning process overwhelming.

The learning process becomes remarkably easy, and students have time to grasp concepts more comprehensively.

The course outline taught in renowned modern language institutes has the same structure. This technique is particularly useful for slow learners. They can even take short breaks in between and go ahead one step at a time.


The tips here are helpful to make your learning journey fruitful. At the end of the day, you will not ask yourself what did you learn or go into introspection that if you wasted time.

So, if you are enrolled in short courses institutes or doing a bachelor's degree in a renowned university, consider following these tips to enhance your learning journey.


I have been associated with the field of education for more than ten years. The ups and downs of the Pakistani learning environment make me write about it to create awareness and initiate improvement in our education system.

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