How to Balance a Full-Time Career alongside a Short Course?

How to Balance a Full-Time Career alongside a Short Course?

05 Nov 2020 IPSUNI 1 General

Short courses are a blessing for people, who want to learn new skills alongside regular jobs.

Yes! There is no denying the fact that only passionate people, willing to upgrade themselves are the enterprising people.  Companies love such individuals.

These individuals are multitaskers and have a wide spectrum of expertise. Obviously, who would not love them?

It is Difficult for Employees to Indulge in Learning Activities When They Have a Job!

A person doing a 9-5 job will not have time to physically attend regular classes. So, when such a person thinks to learn new skills, only online short courses come to their rescue.

For Instance, an SEO short course student after the official duty hours can learn the digital marketing concepts at the comfort of their homes or even with flexible physical classes.

Switching Career Path is a Risk

Besides the personal learning experience, many of us suddenly may find a new interest in another career option.  It might seem a foolish idea, but it is also said that you should do what you love the most.

In such scenarios, switching careers without any formal training in the area will not take you anywhere.  You might regret this decision afterward. Hence, the best choice is to enroll in a short course offered by a modern language institute and gain a clear perspective of if you really want to do it or not.

Your dream job or position might be a few expertise away, so, learning and getting trained is the foremost step towards success.

But, the question arises.

How to manage a full-time Career alongside Short Courses Classes?

It might be one of the hardest decisions of your life. After all, you have to spare time for learning while working.

Therefore, we have listed a few tips that will make time management easy and effective for you.

Pick the Right Short Course:

Don’t choose a short course that does not interest your intellect.  Keep in mind that you have working hours, and you will only be able to learn when the subject intrigues you.

If online classes are feasible for you, you should enroll in those classes. Otherwise, join the regular classes. There are many short course options in Lahore that you may find worth enrolling in after work hours.

Hence, your pick should be interesting enough to keep you going through the course.

Make a Schedule:

You have to study after work; thus, you must make a study schedule beforehand. You should divide the time as to not disturb your working hours and learning period.

Set timers for assignments. It is natural to forget things when you have official things on your hand.

Moreover, have some enjoyment time; otherwise, you can easily get stressed out.

Stay in Touch with Your Supervisor:

If you inform your supervisor about your situation, they will help you balance the work. Or, at least, they won’t pile up unnecessary work to your list of responsibilities.

Try to Concentrate on One Task at a Time:

One tip to succeed in short courses learning while having a full-time career is to focus on one task at hand.  When you are in office, you should vigilantly attend to official work. However, when you sit down to study, you must concentrate on your learning.

Like we said before, if you are interested in the chosen subject, you won’t have any difficulty concentrating.

Remember, the ideal situation is to be productive on both fronts.


Yes! We agree that balancing a full-time career with Short courses is not a childs play. We have many things in mind.

However, with a few tricks, we can maximize our productivity and manage time effectively for a bright future or career option ahead.

So, never say never to a learning opportunity via a short course even if you work from 9-5.



I have been associated with the field of education for more than ten years. The ups and downs of the Pakistani learning environment make me write about it to create awareness and initiate improvement in our education system.

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  • By: Ali Shah
    3 years ago

    This is really a motivational blog for my kind of person who really wants to study something while doing the job, and I will definitely visit your short courses institute to get enrolled.